About me

I’m a UK-based freelance writer and editor, with a focus on sustainable and cultural travel. Though I focus on consumer travel, I also work in the B2B arena, mainly writing and comms, and am available to give talks, moderate panel discussions and feature on podcasts or radio shows.

Japan is my speciality – I’m proficient in Japanese, lived in Kyoto for a year, and have taken a good dozen trips there by now. I love writing about the country, and even more talking directly to people about it. There’s just something about that in-person connection, and being able to answer questions in real time… Whatever your Japan needs – article, guidebook, podcast, webinar – just let me know, I’ll almost certainly be very happy to help.

My other great love is my home country of the UK, especially the Southwest, where I was born and raised, East Anglia, and the Northeast. I’m also a big fan of Italy (blame my nonna for the genetic pull), Malta, South Korea, Canada and the Nordic countries.

But whatever the project, if I’m interested in it, I’ll work on it! Need someone to write about the global impact of hallyu (the Korean Wave)? No problem. Record a podcast about how to travel with a bizarre allergy? I’ll gladly share my hard-won experience. Plan an itinerary for your next trip to the UK? Can do. Chair a panel about recent developments in Japanese inbound tourism? I’d love to. Take on a short editing project? Always happy to flex my editor muscles. Whatever it is, feel free to ask.